Eyebrow care
How to use the eyebrow trimmer like a pro?
Natural eyebrows are in fashion and while this trend is present, girls are trying to match it in every way. Some use ordinary tweezers, others regularly visit a beautician, while others choose trimmers. This tool…
6 ways to grow back sparse and over-plucked eyebrows
Your eyebrows are like beautiful, bushy islands that add definition to your face.So, you’ve recently been a little overzealous in plucking your eyebrows, with less than stellar results, Our message to you: Don’t panic. There…
How to remove clear residue from my face after applying eyebrow stickers?
Women are always very attentive to their appearance. Hair, makeup, beautiful clothes – every girl wants to show off her virtues. Eyebrow stickers are a good way to make your eyes expressive and get rid…
When the eyebrow hair is shaved, burned, or waxed off, does it grow back?
Beautifully shaped and well-defined eyebrows can enhance our facial features and overall appearance. However, sometimes we may inadvertently remove or damage eyebrow hair through shaving, burning, waxing, or over-plucking. The burning question is: Will the…
Eyebrows grow back the life cycle of hair
How much do eyebrows grow back? How to get a thicker arch?.The eyebrows are the true frame of your face: for this reason many women want a defined and harmonious arch, to emphasize the features.…
Eyebrow waxing mistakes: 10 bad habits to stop now
There eyebrow hair removal it would seem a pretty basic operation for one beauty addict. Yet, even the most experienced can fall into real “beginner’s mistakes” . Not for nothing, it remains one of the…