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Eyebrow Makeup

  • concealer to eyebrows

    How to apply concealer to eyebrows?

    Today, when you make a woman beautiful, the eyebrows have taken on a whole new meaning. When the eyes are called the windows of the soul, the eyebrows are supposed to be the frame. They…

  • Eyebrows for browns: how to choose a color and shape it correctly?

    “You may not be a makeup artist, but you must draw eyebrows”. It is ironically rephrasing the quote of the famous Russian writer N.A.Nekrasov that we can express the modern trends in makeup. No makeup…

  • Can you use eyebrow pencil as eyeliner?

    Brow pencils define and highlight the eyebrows while eyeliners define and highlight the eyelid. Many women have both sitting in their makeup bags, separate and never crossed. Yet, from time to time, you may find…

  • How to best design the perfect eyebrows?

    Rules, parameters, face study everything you need to know to best design each eyebrow?! It seems to have become the latest obsession of women but not only now men too. Obsession that has very solid…

  • All about Eyebrow concealer types and features methods of application

    Eyebrow concealer can be found on the shelves of every cosmetic store. What are the different types of concealers and how to choose the right one. Instructions for using and shaping eyebrows. With the help…

  • Is eyebrow pencil bad for your eyebrows?

    No, using an eyebrow pencil does not cause eyebrow hair to fall out. Eyebrow hair loss can be dreaded, but there are ways to prevent thinning. The good news is that eyebrow hair can grow…

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