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Eyebrow hair removal

  • How to use the eyebrow trimmer like a pro?

    Natural eyebrows are in fashion and while this trend is present, girls are trying to match it in every way. Some use ordinary tweezers, others regularly visit a beautician, while others choose trimmers. This tool…

  • At what age should you start threading your eyebrows?

    The appropriate age for eyebrow threading depends on the method used. For waxing, the esthetician recommends waiting until age 20 to avoid accidentally removing too much hair. For threading, she recommends waiting until at least…

  • Can I wax my eyebrows after cataract surgery?

    The visible signs of the procedure, such as bruising and swelling, should disappear within one to two weeks. Activities can be resumed after one week, if they are not strenuous. Although various techniques can be…

  • How to get hot eyebrow wax off floor?

    When eyebrow wax comes into contact with the warmth of your skin, it softens. It gets firm again after being applied to your eyebrow and sticks to undesirable facial hair. When wax gets caught on…

  • Do you give tip for eyebrow threading?

    The answer is yes. Service is almost never included in the price and if it is, it will be specified because it is so rare. First of all, the tip allows us to show our…

  • The new facial hair removal: threading what it is and what it’s for

    Facial hair can be a nuisance for many people, especially when it comes to removing it. There are various methods for removing facial hair, including waxing, shaving, and tweezing, but have you ever heard of…

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