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Eyebrow piercing

  • Eyebrow piercing infection

    An infection in the piercing site can occur when either the procedure, needle or ornament/jewelry are not sterile, or simply because the skin has been broken and common bacteria migrate into the wound. On rare…

  • All you should known before getting a dermal eyebrow piercing

    How not to have problems of infection or rejection after the installation of a dermal eyebrow piercing. A good healing, without infection, will depend on several factors: the conditions of hygiene that the piercer puts…

  • How is the anti eyebrow piercing done?

    Anti-brow piercings are face piercings that are placed above the cheek bone or below the eyebrows . It is usually done with a small bar or sometimes a curved barbell. This piercing can be vertical…

  • Eyebrow piercing placement

    The most common placement is to pierce at a 35-degree angle from the outside corner of the eye. Most vertical eyebrow piercings are a single piercing with two holes (one in, one out). But alternatives…

  • When can I change my eyebrow piercing?

    If all goes well after about six weeks, you can replace the jewelry with a smaller piece or one that better suits your style. Most stores include small replacement jewelry in the price of the…

  • Eyebrow piercing with glasses

    One of the biggest issues with eyebrow piercings is jewelry rejection and migration. While many factors contribute to this, cheaper metals are more likely to be rejected by your body. Put yourself on the right…

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