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Eyebrow piercing

  • Eyebrow piercing: treatment, pain, complications and PHOTOS

    The eyebrow piercing it is a very popular accessory for those who want to taste the flavor of rebellion, but not only. In this guide you will learn how to choose the style that suits…

  • A Guide to Preventing Scarring: Anti Eyebrow Piercing Care Tips

    Getting an anti-eyebrow piercing can be an exciting and stylish way to express yourself. However, it’s crucial to understand that improper care can lead to scarring, which can detract from the beauty of the piercing.…

  • Best Eyebrow Piercing Jewelry and Eyebrow Piercing Types

    Eyebrow piercing is a common procedure among youth. Many guys and girls love eyebrow piercing because it allows you to emphasize individuality, make the image brighter and create your own unique style. Sometimes, eyebrow piercing…

  • All you should known before getting a dermal eyebrow piercing

    How not to have problems of infection or rejection after the installation of a dermal eyebrow piercing. A good healing, without infection, will depend on several factors: the conditions of hygiene that the piercer puts…

  • Eyebrow piercing placement

    The most common placement is to pierce at a 35-degree angle from the outside corner of the eye. Most vertical eyebrow piercings are a single piercing with two holes (one in, one out). But alternatives…

  • Eyebrow piercing falling out

    Any piercing that goes through flat skin—such as an eyebrow piercing—will usually migrate towards the surface of the skin over time. … If the piercing is being “rejected,” or “growing out,” old layers of skin…

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