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Eyebrow Shapes

  • Where eyebrow arch should be?

    Your arch should be just outside of where the pencil hits your brow,” she advises. Don’t worry about having a sharp arch versus a subtler, more rounded one — your natural brow’s shape is the…

  • Infinity tattoo: meaning, ideas and many photos

    Tattoos with the infinity symbol are becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages, women and men. But what do tattoos displaying this symbol stand for? Where does it originate from? And how can you…

  • How long does it take for an eyebrow to grow back?

    How long do my eyebrows grow? Such a question often arises in women who follow fashion trends, which are now actively agitating for wide, natural arches. Sometimes, improper cosmetic exposure, correction, tattooing, lead to the…

  • Eyebrows shape correction for your face

    Eyebrows determine the harmony and architecture of the face and are a valuable tool not only for basic make-up, but especially for corrective make-up. Many make-up artists prefer to define and outline well the shape…

  • How to get attractive eyebrows?

    Attention to the eyebrows was based on the residual principle – it was enough to pluck them “in fashion”. But in recent years, eyebrow correction and makeup have gained a whole new weight in makeup.…

  • Eyebrow shaping for the round face

    Eyebrow shaping for the round face and methods of correction

    Many girls wonder what eyebrow shape fo round face should be used. The eyebrow line should be slightly raised, the fracture should be small and the tip should be fine. By choosing the shape that…

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