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Eyebrow guide

  • Best color eyebrows for red hair

    For all of those with a dark red mane, be sure to use auburn, deep reddish-brown, or dark brown colours on your brows. Also, what color eyebrows go with red hair? For those with lighter…

  • 6 Easy Steps to Make Beautiful Eyebrows from australian makeup

    Dreaming of learning how to make eyebrows at home? Get the perfect eyebrow shape? Are you rarely happy with the way you shape your eyebrows? After reading this article you will be able to make…

  • Can you use eyebrow pencil as eyeliner?

    Brow pencils define and highlight the eyebrows while eyeliners define and highlight the eyelid. Many women have both sitting in their makeup bags, separate and never crossed. Yet, from time to time, you may find…

  • 6 Secrets of Awesome Eyebrow Care

    Dreaming of a beautiful eyebrow shape, but the result after a visit to the master does not last long? Don’t know how to “reanimate” the hairs after a long plucking? We’ll tell you how to…

  • How to wash face with eyebrow tint?

    Don’t worry if you went to the hairdresser and your eyebrows turned out to be much darker than you wanted or if you tinted your eyebrows yourself and they turned out to be the wrong…

  • surgical brow lift

    How is brow lift surgery done?

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