6 Secrets of Awesome Eyebrow Care

Dreaming of a beautiful eyebrow shape, but the result after a visit to the master does not last long? Don’t know how to “reanimate” the hairs after a long plucking? We’ll tell you how to care for your eyebrows in just 10 minutes a day!
Think of perfect healthy eyebrows that shade the eye and give brightness to your eyes. Imagine them! And you’re sure to have them! We’ve compiled everything future owners of beautiful eyebrows need to know and told them how to take care of their eyebrows quickly and easily.
It’s ideal if your eyebrows have no bald spots and your hairs look silky and healthy. We’ll tell you how to arrive at this benchmark!
1-How do I shape my eyebrows?
The frame of the eyebrow is constructed according to 3 points: the beginning, the end and the peak of the eyebrow. Arm yourself with a cosmetic pencil or a soft ruler and brow paste to draw the contour. Take the pencil and apply it according to the formulas, mark the resulting points and connect them with the paste.
1. formula: the beginning of the eyebrow. Place the pencil at the beginning of the wing of the nose and bring it up, passing over the inner edge of the eye.
3. formula: peak eyebrow. Place the pencil on the wing of the nose and lift up through the middle of the pupil.
After constructing the framework, remove the hairs outside the framework with tweezers, waxing, or threading. Be careful not to get carried away with the tweezers.
2-How do I take care of my eyebrows?
Your “elevator” to perfect eyebrows is eyebrow care. Follow 4 simple rules every day, and in a few days you’ll be proud of your eyebrows!
1. Comb your eyebrows in the morning and evening along the hairline from the bridge of your nose to the temples.
2. Apply eyebrow gel every morning along the hairline. It not only makes them visually thicker and fixes the shape, but also protects the hairs from dirt and ultraviolet light.
3. Apply a cotton pad with micellar water to remove impurities from your eyebrows in the evening.
4. Nourish your eyebrows. Apply argan oil at night and don’t forget eyebrow masks.
3-How to grow eyebrows?
The process of growing eyebrows can take from 3 to 9 months. But if you are serious and don’t quit after 2 days, it will work!
The first way to grow out your eyebrows is to massage them. Massage the eyebrows along the growth line with your thumb and forefinger with plucking movements. Move from the bridge of the nose to the temples and back 5-7 times.
The second way is to apply oils to the hair. One of the best means is argan oil. It contains vitamins A and B, fatty acids, protects eyebrows from solar radiation, enhances hair growth, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Apply the oil daily at night for 2 months, and then take a break. For the best effect, warm the oil in a water bath until warm.
4-Tools for eyebrow care and growth
Eyebrow products are a real magic wand if you know how to use them. They include oils, gels and vitamins. Let’s figure out what’s what and take care of your eyebrows together!
Uszma oil makes your eyebrows shiny and silky, strengthens and thickens the hairs.
Apply the oil before bedtime along the growth line of the eyebrows from the roots to the tips with a brush and cover with a towel to create a greenhouse effect. After 30 minutes, wipe your eyebrows with a dry cotton pad.
Castor oil accelerates hair growth, fights hair loss and protects against damage by covering it with a protective film. Apply the oil according to the same algorithm, but don’t forget to test it on your wrist. What if you are allergic?
Eyebrow gel is an indispensable character in your cosmetic bag to help you take care of your eyebrows. It gives the shape, fixes the hair, “accustoms” them to proper styling, and protects the hairs from damage. Apply the gel every morning, but don’t forget to wash it off at night.
Vitamins are the first helpers in eyebrow care.
Vitamin A- activates hair growth and regenerates it. Eyebrows become thick and manageable.
Vitamin E –eliminates dryness, protects from UV radiation, strengthens and nourishes the bulbs.
Vitamin B –strengthens and regenerates the bulbs, protecting them from environmental damage.
Vitamin C –helps hair grow faster, strengthens its roots and nourishes the skin.
5-Folk remedies for eyebrows
Folk remedies are a mixture of natural oils and miraculous ingredients that will become a living water for your eyebrows.
Serums for eyebrow growth and strengthening
Option 1:
1. 1 tsp. castor oil;
2. ½ tsp. coconut oil;
3. 1 capsule of vitamin E oil
4. 2 drops essential oil
Option 2:
1. 1 tsp. argan oil;
2. 1 capsule of vitamin Aevit
Option 3:
1. 1 tsp. argan oil
2. 1 tsp. aloe juice
The method of application is simple: mix the ingredients and apply the composition for 2 hours on the cleaned eyebrows, and then blot with a cotton pad.
6-How do I take care of my eyebrows after permanent makeup?
In the first week after permanent makeup, your eyebrows need special attention.
So, a few tips on how to care for your eyebrows after a perm:
- After 6 hours, wash off the liquid – lymph – with soapy water, otherwise the crust will take a long time to heal and the pigment will lay unevenly.
- Don’t rub or wet your eyebrows, so as not to damage the color.
- Apply a thin layer of vitamin A and D with petroleum jelly 1-3 times a day.
- For the first week, avoid baths, swimming pools and tanning beds.
- Be patient for 7 days without makeup.
After 2 weeks, when the crust is gone, feel free to wash your eyebrows and touch them up. As you like! Your eyebrows no longer require any special eyebrow care, you can relax.