Microblading faded? Here’s what you need to do

What to do when microblading becomes faded?
The microblading treatment allows you to obtain perfect and defined eyebrows by injecting pigments into the superficial layer of the skin. But what happens when the pigments start to reabsorb?
The duration of microblading is limited in time. Unlike the “old” eyebrow tattoos, which required the use of more invasive ink and machinery, modern dermopigmentation techniques guarantee precise results and a minimally invasive approach.
The tools used for microblading are, in fact, designed to be gentle on the skin and act only on the superficial layer of the skin; the pigments used are reabsorbed and, therefore, it is normal for the color to gradually fade after a few months. To prevent the effect from fading, periodic touch-ups are planned.
What to do if microblading loses color
The microblading treatment is a particular method of dermopigmentation that allows you to have eyebrows always in order and defined, without wasting hours in front of the mirror.
If you notice that the microblading is losing color and fading, this could be due to different factors. Let’s see together what they could be (and how to solve them).
Microblading is carried out by a dermopigmentist through a particular tool, the blade. The blade is a kind of pen equipped with microscopic needles, which allow the pigment to penetrate the surface layer of the skin.
A clarification: I have often spoken of pigments for dermopigmentation; you just need to know that they are completely hypoallergenic and bioabsorbable. This means that, regardless, the treatment does not last forever and that the pigments will be reabsorbed over time by our own body.
Does microblading drain color after doing it?
There are cases where, alas, desperate clients run into my salon after having the treatment by another operator, telling me that the microblading is “discharging color” or that it is completely fading.
This can happen for several reasons:
- The treatment carried out is not suitable for the customer’s skin type. This happens because most of the operators dwell on the treatment without first making a diagnosis. I have always put this preliminary step at the center of my method, because in fact it is the only one that allows you to understand the characteristics of the client’s skin and choose the best way to treat it.
- The operator is too inexperienced and still does not know how to master the tools well
- THE pigments used are of poor quality
- There post treatment care it was not effective
- There technique used is not the correct one
- There skin is not ready to receive treatment
When does microblading start to discolour?
Apart from special cases, such as those I mentioned in the previous paragraph, microblading tends to gradually fade after a few months from treatment.
As for the duration of microblading, this can vary based on various factors, such as age, skin type, lifestyle. In general, I can say that the average duration of treatment is between 9 and 12 months. After this period of time, it is possible that you may notice progressive discoloration, which can be prevented through periodic check-ups.
How to prevent faded microblading?
To avoid the faded microblading effect, the key thing to do is undergo periodic retouching.
The cadence of retouching is not standard, in the sense that the duration can vary from person to person and can only be assessed by making a preliminary analysis. Generally, 1-2 touch-ups per year can be foreseen, depending on the characteristics of the person.
Undergoing touch-ups is very important to revive the intensity of the color and always have perfect and tidy eyebrows.
An advice: do not skip the scheduled retouching sessions, if not without the “approval” of your dermopigmentist. This is because if you avoid retouching, the pigment can degrade and you may need to do the treatment all over again.
Choose microblading with SOS Eyebrows
Do you dream of perfect eyebrows and an intense and defined look?
I have been dealing with dermopigmentation for years: I have helped dozens of women to redefine their arches, eliminating the eyebrow pencil forever and making them regain a new self-confidence.
This is why I have developed the SOS Eyebrow method, the only one that allows you to have perfect eyebrows and free time, whatever your starting point. The method consists of three steps:
- Preliminary analysis, which I call diagnosis. In this consultation I analyze the type of treatment that is most suitable for your skin type, the shape of the eyebrows and the color suitable for you. This step is MANDATORY and is exactly what distinguishes a serious professional from an improvised one. In addition, together with the diagnosis I carry out a sebum balancing facial treatment, which serves to prepare the skin for the dermopigmentation treatment, which I will perform after a few weeks.
- After some time, I will carry out the actual dermopigmentation treatment and I will give you all the information to take care of it.
- We will set gods together periodic check-ups and retouching sessions to avoid the faded microblading problem and always have a perfect arch