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Permanent makeup

  • Eyebrow embroidery: New manual method to get the magic brows

    Eyebrow embroidery is a relatively new technique to create the finest hairs in the eyebrow area by manual tattooing, which is done with a special scalpel.also called microstroking : the “eyebrow embroidery”. Indeed, this technique…

  • A full treatment of the eyebrow tattoo and its healing process

    Eyebrow tattooing is a permanent makeup, in which the skin is perforated and pigment is injected into the perforations. The tattooing is done to give the eyebrows the desired shape and color, to make their…

  • Features and subtleties of performing the eyebrow hair tattoo

    Unfortunately, not all women can boast thick and beautiful eyebrows. For this good reason, they are forced to look for a variety of options to achieve the desired effect. To create the desired shape, add…

  • What is eyebrow microblading?

    Microblading (from the English “microblade”) eyebrows – a type of eyebrow tattoo, which is done manually with a scalpel and allows you to achieve a more natural look than a hardware tattoo. Microblading is a…

  • Microblading faded? Here’s what you need to do

    What to do when microblading becomes faded? The microblading treatment allows you to obtain perfect and defined eyebrows by injecting pigments into the superficial layer of the skin. But what happens when the pigments start…

  • Infinity tattoo: meaning, ideas and many photos

    Tattoos with the infinity symbol are becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages, women and men. But what do tattoos displaying this symbol stand for? Where does it originate from? And how can you…

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