How to best design the perfect eyebrows?

Rules, parameters, face study everything you need to know to best design each eyebrow?!
It seems to have become the latest obsession of women but not only now men too. Obsession that has very solid foundations: all of us, looking at a beautiful face, can be enchanted by her gaze.
After all, it is well known: the gaze is the main weapon of seduction and giving it the right shape can enhance the depth of the gaze to the point of making it magnetic. If you also want to learn or expand your knowledge on how to draw perfect eyebrows you are on the right article.
To have perfect eyebrows
The eyebrows give life and harmony to our face but mainly to our gaze. It is important to know that perfect eyebrows exist for every face! How do you find out which eyebrow shape is best for your client?
The answer lies in a subject that many underestimate: the eyebrow design.
The eyebrow design is the mathematics of harmony applied to the face that observes and respects parameters such as face shape, dimensions and lengths of eyes, nose, lips and points of reference such as tear duct, iris or pupil (depending on the curvature), corner of the eye, tubercle of the tragus or intertragic notch of the ear.
The first thing to understand is what shape of face your client has.
the beginning of the eyebrow to find it you will have to make a straight line between two points. Angle of the nose and tear duct these points can be re-evaluated in particular cases such as eyes too close or too far too wide or too long nose.
Point TO of the figure
To find the right point of curvature of the eyebrow you will need to observe the angle of the nostril and pupil or the iris of the eye.
This because? For that if you choose pupil the eyebrow will be more curved instead in the case of the iris the real eyebrow less curved.
Point B. of the figure
The end of the eyebrow to find it there are no variants just look at the starting point of the cupid’s arch, angle of the nostril and end of the eye.
Point C. of the figure
The tip of the tail of the eyebrow must always be above or adjacent to the horizontal axis D, never below.
Point D. of the figure
The tail of the eyebrow must indicate a precise point which can be the tubercle of the tragus or the intertragic notch of the ear this will be chosen based on the shape of the client’s face
There is a parameter to calculate the exact distance between the two eyebrows, We can say that yes. There is a fundamental rule in the proportions of the face but as a rule it can be broken in some particular cases that will be approached later

The distance between the eyebrows must be approximately 3 cm. (This calculation is an analogy of the length of the human eye, this space is often called the third eye point.)

Exception to the rule:
In cases where the client has eyes too far apart and the base of the nose too wide if he can reduce this distance between the eyebrows, the opposite if he does if the client has eyes too close and nose too long

Other rules
- The length of the eyebrows should not be larger than the lips or smaller than the client’s eye.
- the thickness of the eyebrow must have the same thickness as the cupid’s bow (the furrow between lips and nose) or the lip filter.
Knowing and respecting these parameters gives the semi-permanent make-up professional or beautician the ability to recreate from scratch or correct asymmetrical eyebrows, but above all the ability to maintain the uniqueness of each individual.