How do you get your Eyebrows on Fleek?

Eyebrows are still a hot topic – especially since Instagram-Beauties have extended the trend towards razor-sharp eyebrows. Today I’ll show you two ways to style and keep your brows in shape.
I have experimented many times with my eyebrows, sometimes satisfied and sometimes annoyed by the bushy plants I have. Thanks to Cara Delevigne and Instagram, the eyebrow has been a hot topic for quite some time and for a while it was even said ‘the bushier the better’. I have – as in everything – found the healthy middle way for me and have developed two eyebrow routines that allow me to style my eyebrows every day and, as they used to say, ‘on fleek’.
As you can see, my eyebrows are a bit asymmetrical, which makes the styling of the (for me) left brow a bit difficult. However, I usually decide to leave it as ‘pointy’ as it is and not force another shape on it.
In 5 steps to great eyebrows
My eyebrows before offer a good base, but are a bit too ashen-grey in colour and have holes that I like to cover up. Besides, their unruly shape is an eternal ordeal. Therefore I start routine 1 and routine 2 exactly the same way: plucking and trimming!
1- Pluck
2- Trim
An insider tip I got from an Instagram beauty guru: there’s no shame in taking care of the hair on your temples and above your eyebrow as well! Since following this tip, my eyebrows look cleaner and better than ever before. I carefully shave them away with a small knife (available at Bipa).
3- Form
Now it goes to the probably most important part: the shaping of the eyebrow. For variation 1 I usually use a pencil or powder – at the moment I love the ‘Total Temptation’ Brow Definer from Maybelline. With this I first trace the outer, upper line of the brow and then paint small hairs down to the ‘tip’ of the brow.
Then I take care of the heart of the brow above the corner of the eye. Here I draw a line at the lower end and then paint little hairs upwards, which then run out.
4- Buff
If I want to give my eyebrows more volume, I use the ‘Brow Precise’ Fiber Filler. This fills them visibly through small microfibers and gives them volume.
5- Highlight
For a subtle shimmer I usually set accents with a highlighter at the lower brow arch. For example with the powdery highlighter of Maybelline’s ‘Master Blush’ range.
Eyebrows on fleek: These extensions from the tube make it possible!
Even if the memories are still as painful as the plucking itself: the days of tweezing our eyebrows beyond recognition are over. Let’s face it, in retrospect you don’t know what hurt more: The process itself or looking in the mirror … Fortunately, full, expressive eyebrows are now among our absolute beauty goals. Unfortunately, we are not all blessed with such luxuriant growth. Or were once, but then the 90s came in between. But luckily there is a remedy: eyebrow pencils and powder are guaranteed to be in your beauty bag by now. But there is more! Keyword: eyebrow thickening. From now on you can get them not only from your trusted beautician, but also very easily from the tube.
Eyebrow extensions from the tube
“Reallyyy Eyebrow Extension” is the name of the hyped beauty line. And who invented it? The Koreans. More specifically, the beauty brand Lui & Com. This recently launched a brow gel with a glue-like texture enriched with fine eyebrow hairs. These are dabbed with a brush applicator onto the free areas in the eyebrows, brought into shape with the brush and voilà: all youthful sins are as if erased or well covered. In case of very thinned brows and particularly noticeable plucking errors, you can dab extension until the desired density is reached. Vogue Korea shows the whole procedure again in moving pictures. Here we go!
Up to now the eyebrow gel is unfortunately only available in black and exclusively at Beauty Box Korea for about 18 Euro plus shipping costs. But with all the hype about the extensions, it won’t be long before the assortment is expanded and domestic brands are also offered.
Eyebrow lifting: Eyebrows on Fleek for the right swing
An eyebrow lift can help you to hide the visible traces of the natural aging process. This trend, which many stars have already demonstrated, perfectly sets eyebrows in scene and ensures an alert gaze. With an eyebrow lift, you can achieve a great effect with minimal intervention, which can give you a new attitude to life. Dr. Dr. Nilius and his team will be happy to advise you in detail so that you can go through life with an open mind and full of self-confidence.
Eyebrows and eyelids that sag make people look exhausted, tired and sometimes even angry or sad. Drooping eyebrows can also lead to more wrinkles on the forehead. The muscle that raises the eyebrows constantly works against gravity. In the case of drooping eyebrows, lowered eyebrows can also affect the field of vision and restrict it by the additional pressure. With the angular curve of your eyebrows, which makes Eyebrows on Fleek distinctive, you create the ideal frame for your face. Both aesthetic and medical reasons can therefore speak for an eyebrow lift.
Eye brown lifting by means of bio-chemical methods
In addition to the well-known surgical procedure of eyebrow lifting as well as the minimally invasive thread lifting, there is a further procedure that uses botulinum toxin A and possibly in combination with hyaluronic acid to ensure an alert facial expression. In this procedure, your eyebrows are lifted by injection within a few minutes. In a detailed consultation, it will be clarified in advance where the punctures have to be made in order for the eyebrow lift to have the desired effect. For the angular arch, which is characteristic of the current trend, Botox is placed directly into the muscle that is responsible for lowering the eyebrow at a precisely determined point in advance. In order to give the eyebrows a beautiful curve and with an appropriate facial shape, synthetic hyaluronic acid can be additionally applied at the intended location. Side effects with hyaluronic acid are virtually impossible, as it is a component of our connective tissue, cartilage and synovial fluid produced by the body. The procedure makes your facial expression look younger and more alert without any surgery.
This procedure allows the perfect swing to be achieved – the eyebrows can be raised between one and three millimetres. After 14 days the final result is visible. You can go home directly after the treatment. With good cooling of the puncture points, the swelling usually subsides quickly. After two days, however, they should have subsided considerably. As the active ingredients are broken down by the body over time, a new treatment is recommended after about six months.